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Romain Reuillon

Romain Reuillon got his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2008 on stochastic simulations in distributed execution environments. He works now at the geography laboratory of the CNRS Géographie-cités and the at the complex-system institute of Paris (ISC-PIF). His research deals with distributed computing for modeling and for model evaluation. He is also head of the OpenMOLE platform

13 rue du Four
5e étage
équipe P.A.R.I.S.
75006 Paris

Email: romain.reuillon@iscpif.fr

Please direct correspondence about this article to Romain Reuillon

Clara Schmitt

Clara Schmitt obtained her PhD in Geography in 2014. She is now Post-Doc in Geography and Complex systems at the Geographie-Cités laboratory. Her research mainly focuses on the study of long term evolution growth of systems of cities by means of simulation models and on the exploration and evaluation of simulation models.

13 rue du Four
75006 Paris

Email: cl-schmitt@parisgeo.cnrs.fr

Ricardo De Aldama

Ricardo de Aldama obtained a PhD in Mathematics in 2009, in which he specialized in Mathematical Logic and Model Theory. He has worked at several research institutions, such as the French and Atomic Energy Commission or the Paris Île-de-France Complex Systems Institute. His interests range from Artificial Intelligence and Decision Theory to Complex Systems and Computational Creativity. He is currently working at Sony CSL Paris.

113 rue château des rentiers
75013 Paris

Email: ricardo.de.aldama@iscpif.fr

Jean-Baptiste Mouret

Jean-Baptiste Mouret is an assistant professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 (UPMC) since 2009, in which he belongs to the AMAC team (Architecture and Models for Adaptation and Cognition) of the ISIR (Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics). He mainly conducts research that leverages evolutionary algorithms to make robots more adaptive. In his recent work, his main contributions deal with fast damage recovery in robotics and with the evolvability of modular networks. He obtained a M.S. in computer science from EPITA in 2004, a M.S. in artificial intelligence from UPMC in 2005, and a PhD in computer science from UPMC in 2008.

4 place Jussieu, CC 173
75252 Paris cedex 05

Email: mouret@isir.upmc.fr


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