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Yvonne Haffner, born in 1965, graduated in sociology at the Technical University Darmstadt (TUD). Since 1996 Research Assistant at the Department of Sociology at the TUD. Her main interests focus on environmental policies, urban water supply and distribution, and Integrated Environmental Assessment.

Darmstadt University of Technology
Department of Sociology Residenzschloß
Marktplatz 15
D 64283 Darmstadt

e-mail: haffner@ifs.tu-darmstadt.de
web: http://www.ifs.tu-darmstadt.de/umwelt/mitglieder/haffner/index.html

Stefan Gramel born in 1967, graduated in civil engineering and economics at the Universities Darmstadt and Hagen. After working for a consulting engineer company (planning of water supply systems in development counties) he became 1997 research and teaching assistant at the Darmstadt University of Technology, section 'Water Supply and Groundwater Protection'. His main research topics are economic and political questions in the field of water supply and groundwater protection (e.g. privatization, environment economic instruments, policy analysis, cost-benefit-analysis etc.) as well as groundwater protection especially regarding diffuse pollutants of the agriculture (instruments and measurements to protect groundwater, co-operative agreements between water supply and agriculture etc.). In the context of his dissertation he investigates effects of water supply privatization on the resource protection.

Darmstadt University of Technology Institute
WAR Petersenstr. 13
D-64287 Darmstadt

e.mail: s.gramel@iwar.tu-darmstadt.de

web: http://www.iwar.bauing.tu-darmstadt.de/personen/gramel/grame001.htm,

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